Sponsor a cat
make a difference

Want to make a difference in the life of a rescued cat?
Now you can help by sponsoring a cat awaiting adoption into a permanent, loving and responsible home! Your donation goes toward the cat's care, including any necessary medical attention or medication. We will also notify you when your cat is adopted

Robin was rescued from Cyprus is
5 years old boy and is Fiv positive.
Also is diabetic.
Cats like him need a long term
sponsor because are very difficult
to find adoption for his special needs.
He is very friendly and loves cuddles.

Marie is a 5 months old kitten who has neurological FIP. She is doing GS treatment, Physiotherapy and Hydrotherapy. She is doing better, little by little. This little fighter deserves a chance. She needs a sponsor to help with her expensive treatment.


Granny is a 12 old years old lady who is Fiv positive and her previous owner brought her to the vet to euthanize her. Granny hasn't symptoms at all but the owner wanted to get rid of her because is old.
Fortunately the vet didn't euthanize her and call us to rescue her.
Granny needs a sponsor to support her care.

Rufus was rescued when he tried to cross a very busy road and he was half unconscious. He has bullets in his head and FIV. He is extremely dehydrated because of the inflammation and has puss in his mouth (because of the bullets)
He is doing better now, and he is cuddlier every day.

Kurion was rescued extremely weak and sick on the streets of Cyprus. He had severe virus infection and is totally blind.
Now Kurion is improving a lot and eating by himself. He is around 4 months old and deserves a second chance.